We have been trying to teach Lilli how to ride a bike without training wheels for at least a year. The girl who is normally fearless, just was terrified of falling off a bike. She would lean to the side and give up after about 2 minutes.
One day, we went on a family bike ride to the nature park down the street. Both boys can ride without training wheels so Lilli was the only one. She was so slow! It was not much fun for me, as I had to ride as slow as I could to stay back with her. I tried bribing her, I tried threatening her. Nothing. I gave up.
2 days later I told her to practice on a scooter, that way she wouldn't have to worry about pedaling, just balance. She did that about 10-15 minutes. Then I said, "let's try the bike." She said, "no, I'm not ready. I'm too scared." I told her she was going to try for a few minutes.
I held her shoulders while she went 50 feet or so. She's yelling "let go, let go" I'm thinking, yeah right. She yells "let go Mom, you have to stop worrying about me!" I think, seriously? This coming from the girl who told me she's not ready and she's too scared 5 minutes ago? Ok, we'll see......
I let go, she took off down the street! And never looked back.
Yay Lilli!!!!